Last Friday night Mark, Maria and Monica helped out at Michele's annual fundraiser for her school. Michele is the excutive director of the San Francisco 49ers Academy ( and each year she organizes a simply sensational gala to raise money for her charter school. What began as a relatively low-key event held at a restaurant in down town Palo Alto 7 years ago has grown into (in the words of Michele's husband Brett) "The premier party on the penisula."
An autographed Frank Gore jersey was one of many items up for bid during the silent auction.

Monica, Michele and Maria were all smiles before the big night kicked off. Thank goodness it didn't rain....!

Tons of steak and lobster was fired up on these grills.

Bob, Mary, Jill, George, Mom, Dad and Gil enjoy the evening.

Michele's face loomed large on the big screen during a video tribute to 49er great Bryant Young.

Michele and former 49er great Gary Plummer work the crowd.

All four 'original Murnane kids' smile after a very successful evening.

FANTASTIC work Michele... a truly world class evening!