Monday, January 28, 2008

Ma is laid up...

The venerable and always on the go "Ma" has been down with a bad cold for nearly ten days! Ma has been resting all day... only getting out once and a while for a meal or a movie.

If you haven't done so already... send her an email or a get well card!

Maybe a diet of hot fudge sundaes and See's candy is not the best way to get healthy... but in the name of science, someone has to try it!


Friday, January 18, 2008

Dancing Queens!

Don't let the innocent looks of Jordo, Bella and Lauren fool you. These three are not only cousins and great friends -- they are also DANCING QUEENS!

Quiet and calm? I don't think so....

Time to boogie on down!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Out on the Links

On December 31st Monica, Luke, Mark and Rick played out their semi-annual golf challenge. Playing for high stakes the pairing of Morey & Morey took on the vaunted two-some of Murnane & Scouffas. While the actual scorecard mysteriously disappeared right after the round was completed... observers of the match recall it was like all other such head to head battles between these two pairings: another easy victory of Murnane & Scouffas.

Which team went home the winner? While no proof of the actual score exists... first hand accounts of Morey & Morey walking off the course empty handed (once again) seem to leave no doubt which is the superior golfing tandem.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Christmas Morning at the Morey's!

For Christmas morning this year we all got together at Monica and Luke's house! We kicked the day off with Pa's famous breakfast (and a few Chuck's donuts) before letting the kids attack the huge pile of presents under the tree.

Bella checks out all the presents.

The breakfast that has made Pa famous around the world.

Mark, Pa, Ma and Maria (holding sausage on a skewer) get ready for a huge breakfast.

Is there a better way to start off the day....?

After breakfast the kids went to work!

Monica shows off her new club.... The "BIG MO!"

Mark's favorite gift: a Van Halen concert tee-shirt! (Note: Mark saw Eddie and the boys live back in 1984 and even quoted D.L. Roth in his senior write-up in his High School yearbook)

Once again: Ma and Pa reduced to tears.... :-)