Last week Ma and Pa flew back to Pa's hometown of Devil's Lake North Dakota. Devil's Lake is located in northeast North Dakota and has a population of about 7500.
Pa and Ma smile outside of the world renowned "Fort Totten Little Theater" - the place where Brad PItt, George Clooney and Carrot Top are all rumored to have gotten their start.

Downtown Devil's Lake..... real 'small town America'

Kelly's -- offering quality goods and services for 3 generations.

Unfortunately for Ma and Pa the local Hilton was fully booked... so they had to find alternative accommodations.

In an act about as surprising as the sun rising each day... Ma and Pa somehow managed to find an Indian Casino and Hotel just a few miles outside of town! The Spirit Lake Hotel and Casino.

Even with their busy schedule of playing blackjack, visiting old friends, playing the slots, going to various reunion events, playing video poker and drinking lots of coffee.. Ma and Pa took some time to head out on the lake and catch some of the local northern pike.

Pa caught a huge fish! Coincidentally Pa was spotted just 15 minutes before this picture was taken sneaking out of the Devil's Lake fish market with a suspiciously large package tucked under his arm....