Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Debate Rages On

While much of the world debates the merits of building the equivalent of an "Islamic YMCA" a few blocks from Ground Zero... we here at the Murnane Family Blog have a much headier and intellectual argument going on. The question: What Exactly Was Ma Wearing the Night of Mo's 40th Birthday Party?

The woman in question is wearing what exactly....?

Perhaps an ode to a once reliable and incredibly stylish car that for all too short of a time graced Metro Circle with its presence?

There has never been a greater time in Rick's life than those few glorious months he was able to call this beauty his "wheels."

Perhaps the get-up was in honor of this children's classic?

A giant purple crayon perhaps?

"Back in the day" - (i.e. the 80's) these legendary purple M&M's were once thought to be a powerful aphrodisiac and were coveted by adolescent boys from coast to coast.

Could it be....?

Vegas has weighed in and made it clear that the big dinosaur is the odds on favorite

We have reported..... YOU decide!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Back to the Future

The unthinkable has happened: baby sister Monica has turned 40! To celebrate, the masses came out in droves all done up in their best 80's gear. Much like the legendary 70's party to celebrate Mo's 30th... everyone went all out! Of course, who could resist the opportunity to revert to the glory days that were the 80's?

Since this was a surprise party.... Monica didn't get a chance to dress up. Gotta love the vintage "Paly Keg" in the background.

Sonny Crocket/Luke Morey... one in the same.

"The lights are on.... but you're not home...."

Robert Palmer and his girls were the musical headliners of the festivities!

No Brett did not just forget his pants... that was last weekend. On this night he went as everyone's favorite brothel owner of the 80's.

Most inspirational movie scene of the 80's? Very well could be!

Good of Ma to dress up... but Barney was a big hit in the 90's, not the 80's!