Monday, April 26, 2010

Brooke's First Holy Communion

This past weekend we celebrated First Holy Communion. Check out Brooke and Ryan in their 'Sunday Best.'

Ryan Morey -- almost as tall as his mom!

The beautiful Brooke shows off her lovely white dress.

Looking dapper as usual, Ryan checks out the crowd.

Another good picture of Brooke all dressed up.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fun in the Sun

Last weekend all the "American Murnane" grandkids had a fun filled day of sport as both the Morey and Sharkey families took part in games of skill and athleticism.

Brooke shows off her blazing speed as she heads for first after hitting a frozen rope to deep left center.

Brooke rounds first and heads for second!

Showing off her fielding skills, Brooke the "Human Vacuum" scoops up another sharp grounder in the infield.

A bit further to the south, Brett smiles with Jordan and Lauren just before Jordo's big soccer game.

Jordan out on the field!

Lauren shows off her athletic skills on the sidelines.

All worn out from her gymnastics... Lauren settles in for a mid-game nap.

The proud mom smiles with her soccer star!

The four "American Murnane" grandkids got together to reflect upon their day of athletic domination.... and plot further such exploits!